STRATEGIC GROWTH - Directing and Leading for Quality

As you identify your key leaders’ personality types, you can ensure that you have the right balance in your organization in order to take it to the next level. Understand who you have on your team and how to get the most from each of them. You’ll also learn how to get the right people into the right positions, how to recruit, manage and keep volunteers to help your organization grow.

Course curriculum

Click the "+" to expand each teaching module

  • 1

    STRATEGIC GROWTH - Directing and Leading for Quality

    • Strategic Growth Workbook - Notes for session - Downloadable

  • 2

    Organizational Alignment (Part 1)

    • The Concept of Alignment

    • The Message, Medium & Market Driven Church

    • The Risks of Change

    • 3M Examples (Part 1)

    • 3M Examples (Part 2)

    • 3M Q&A

    • Leadership Exercise: 3M's

    • Classical vs. Futuristic

    • Classical vs. Futuristic Example

    • Be Authentic

    • The Chaos - Control Continuum (Part 1)

    • The Chaos - Control Continuum (Part 2)

    • The Chaos - Control Continuum - Q&A

    • Leadership Exercise: Chaos - Control Continuum

  • 3

    Organizational Alignment (Part 2)

    • The Start-up Phase

    • The Initial Growth Phase

    • The Rapid Growth Phase

    • The Continuous Growth Phase

    • Church Growth Cycles

    • Church Growth Cycles Q&A

    • The 5 Keys to Customer Experience

    • The Importance of First Touch

    • Leadership Exercise: Keys to Customer Experience

    • Key Performance Indicators (Part 1)

    • Key Performance Indicators (Part 2)

    • Leadership Exercise: Key Performance Indicators

    • Introduction - The Physics of Leadership

    • The Physics of Leadership

    • The Forms of Energy

    • Leadership Exercise: Forms of Energy

    • The Principle of Inertia

  • 4

    Selecting the Staff for Success

    • How to Select the Right Staff (Finder & Binder)

    • How to Select the Right Staff (Minder & Grinder)

    • Leadership Exercise: The Right Staff

    • The 10 Keys to Effective Interviewing

    • An Example of an Effective Interview (Part 1)

    • An Example of an Effective Interview (Part 2)

    • Leadership Exercise: Effective Interviews

    • Structuring Your Staff for Efficiency and Growth

    • Hub and Spokes Model

    • Senior Executive Model

    • Executive Team Model

    • Models of Leadership - Q&A

    • Leadership Exercise: Leadership Models

    • Ten Keys to Successful Meetings

  • 5

    The Value of Volunteers

    • Volunteers Keep the Local Church in Business

    • Leadership Exercise: The Value of Volunteers

    • Four Levels of Volunteers

    • Leadership Exercise: Four Levels of Volunteers

    • What Do Volunteers Want?

    • Leadership Exercise: What Do Volunteers Want?

    • Ten Commandments of Volunteer Leadership

    • Leadership Exercise: Ten Commandments of Volunteer Leadership

  • 6


    • Five Basic Kinds of Communication

    • Causes of Communication Breakdowns

    • Leadership Exercise: Communication Breakdowns

    • Keys to Dialogue

    • Leadership Exercise: Keys to Dialogue

    • The Development of Propaganda

    • Leadership Exercise: Propaganda

    • Nine Keys to Thinking, Speaking and Writing

    • Leadership Exercise: Nine Keys to Thinking, Speaking and Writing

  • 7

    Dr. Rutland's Closing Prayer

    • Conclusion and Prayer

The National Institute of Christian Leadership